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Personal Development Training Videos

Emotional Intelligence - An Introduction

Learners identify what Emotional Intelligence is and why it’s important

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Emotional Intelligence - Self-Management

Learners identify how they react to different situations and learn how to manage those reactions to ensure a good outcome for all.

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Introducing the Johari Window

Learners are introduced to the Johari Window to help them to better understand themselves, their place in the world and their relationships with others.

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Proofing Your Work - Top Tips for Accuracy

Highlights some of the most common errors that are missed when proofreading to help learners improve their proofreading skills.

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SARAH's Change

Learners explore the emotions experienced during unwanted change, in order to understand and better manage these feelings, so they can move forward positively.

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The 4 Key Aspects of Emotional Intelligence

Introduces learners to the four key aspects of emotional intelligence to help them identify and understand their own emotions and emotional responses, and those of others.

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Understanding Mental Health and Mental Ill Health

Learners identify what what is meant by Mental Health, Poor Mental Health and Mental Ill Health, and some of the ways people may be affected.

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