Trainers' Library Portal

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Team Activities

Equality Attitude

Time required:

15 minutes.

What it does:

Introduces the concept of Equality and Diversity and assesses your team’s attitude to them.

flagThis activity is suitable for remote delivery.

You will need:

An area large enough for your team to move along the ‘Equality and Diversity Spectrum’ and, if possible, a piece of string/rope that is approximately 4 metres long to represent the spectrum. 

You'll also need flipchart paper and a pen.

In a nutshell:

A chance for your team to express their personal experiences of Equality and Diversity and their attitudes towards these concepts.

Intentions v Perceptions

Time required:

25 minutes.

What it does:

Identifies what types of behaviours can be seen as bullying or harassment.

flagThis activity is suitable for remote delivery.

You will need:

One set of Intentions v Perceptions Scenario Cards for every five participants. 

There are also some PowerPoint slides to assist you in the delivery of the session.

In a nutshell:

Can your team tell the difference between what is acceptable workplace behaviour and what is bullying or harassment? 

flagThis team activity is best delivered after What is Bullying and Harassment?

People in a Different Light

Time required:

15 minutes.

What it does:

Gives team members an opportunity to see beyond their existing perceptions of colleagues.

You will need:

Team members will each need a pen and a couple of post-it notes.

In a nutshell:

Which team member surprises everyone the most with their revelation?

Team Intrigue

Time required:

30 minutes.

What it does:

Encourages your team to share information about themselves and consider the extent to which their skills and abilities are fully utilised at work.

flag This activity is suitable for remote delivery.

You will need:

A questionnaire from each participant (completed in private and returned at least seven days before the event). The questionnaire can be completed online or printed off and completed by hand. Pens and paper for everyone. A prize for the winning team member would be a nice touch.

flag This team activity will require some preparation.

In a nutshell:

How well do your team know their colleagues and how much diversity is there within the team that they weren't aware of before?

The Diversity Spectrum

Time required:

15 minutes.

What it does:

Explores the views and attitudes of your team on the subject of Equality and Diversity.

flagThis activity is suitable for remote delivery.

You will need:

An area large enough for your team to move along ‘The Diversity Spectrum’ and, if possible, a piece of string or rope that is approximately 4 metres long to represent the spectrum.

You'll also need flipchart paper and pen.

In a nutshell:

A chance to explore attitudes to Diversity and Equality within your team and the experiences that have influenced them.

What is Bullying and Harassment?

Time required:

15 minutes.

What it does:

Defines bullying and harassment and explores their consequences.

flag This activity is suitable for remote delivery.

You will need:

Nothing extra is required, though you may wish to use the PowerPoint slides we’ve provided.

In a nutshell:

This discussion activity explores the legal definitions of bullying and harassment as well as their impact. 

flag A great follow up to this team activity is Intentions v Perceptions.

Witches of Glum

Time required:

30 minutes.

What it does:

Demonstrates how easy it is to make assumptions and how often this impacts on our perception of reality.

flag This activity is suitable for remote delivery.

You will need:

Nothing other than the materials provided.

In a nutshell:

Participants identify the dangers of making assumptions.